I’m a huge fan of learning, building, and optimizing. I’m a huge Adam Grant fan and have a life goal of attending one (or more … dream big) of his classes. I believe most things are figure-out-able. If you want to build something that you think would help the world (of course IMO, things that save time help the most), you can figure out how to build that thing. I think that’s magic. Time is our most precious resource, and this is always top of mind for me.

Below I have started compiling some of the experiments I have been working on. You will notice that the themes above are reflected below. Oh, and if any of it impresses you and prompts you to contact me with a possible job opportunity, then ….. THANK YOU!

Experiment: Compatibility Quiz

Background: I’m fortunate enough to place a high value on transparency, accountability, collaboration, empathy, and respect. While it is unrealistic to expect all matters to be upheld at all times, it’s unacceptable (to me) for none of them to exist.

Problem: How do you find a team/ company that embodies these principles?

Hypothesis 1:

  • Read team member reviews of the company

  • Reach out to team members on LinkedIn

  • Do the regular average fun research that everyone does …wa wa waaaa

Hypothesis 2: Make a super fun compatibility quiz! Demonstrate tech know-how. Generate leads. Meet my dream co-workers.

So while #1 would be conventional, we are going the road less traveled here and taking Option 2. Would we be the next Ben and Jerry or a big nothing burger? Take the quiz and find out :) :) :)

Experiment: Text endorsement/support line

Background: I found a job I really wanted where I checked all the boxes but was a tad light on the REST API bit. I understand how APIs work. But I have a mental problem where I have to grok something to feel good about it. And doing something is the best way to grok. So I decided to build an API. So right now, if you know about APIs you should be like…. huh? For what? To do what? Yes, I started there too. Well since I’m in job search mode and I believe endorsements matter I figured why not build an SMS API where I can show off some endorsements.

Problem: Need to become proficient in API development and make it relevant to my goal of finding a home.

Hypothesis: Getting text endorsements will help lift my spirits. Building and embedding the API will be satisfying and eliminate my API knowledge concerns.





My Journey